Spring is almost here and it is time to start preparing for another drilling season. Since we haven’t drilled a well for a few months we will have to take stock of our supplies and inspect our equipment to make sure that everything is in working order.
Spring is also good time to do annual maintenance on your well to ensure its proper functioning. A good place to start is to check the well casing for any signs of damage dealt by wintertime hazards, such as a snow plow hitting the casing of a well buried under the snow or frost causing it to lift. Both of these situations can wreck havoc on a well by breaking the seal around the casing and allowing debris to fall into the well. When this happens, it is first noticed in the form of cloudy water coming through the plumbing of the house. Often times, the best fix is to set over the well with a drilling rig to drive the casing back into the bedrock.
While you are checking on the well also make sure that the cap is sitting level on the casing. If the cap is pushed up on one side, it could mean that the frost has pushed up the conduit and pinched the wires supplying power to the pump. Leaving it un-repaired could result in premature failure of your pump, so contact your water professional for service.
There are no laws in the state of Maine requiring homeowners to test their water, but spring is a good time to make sure that no contaminants or bacteria have infiltrated the water supply. To request a water test kit contact Northeast Labs.
If you find that your well is high in bacteria, an annual chlorination will disinfect the well and help control bacteria growth. For the do-it-yourselfers, have a look at our FAQ page for instructions.
If you think that your well needs professional service, feel free to contact Innis Well Drilling, LLC.